Being pregnant while having an active (very active) toddler is something I did not consider much when planning this pregnancy!
I am felling so much more energetic lately, so that’s the big bonus. But I am still expected to carry Kailey around, get on and off the floor all day, have her jump on me all day long, get on my hands and knees to clean up her lunch that ends up on floor. Not to mention getting her in and out of the car, and let’s not speak about bathing her!
I have to think back to the days where I thought I had it so bad when I worked all day and was pregnant. The fact for me now is – it’s harder to be at home with a toddler and pregnant for sure. The one bonus (and it’s a very big bonus) is if I need to I can nap with her in the afternoon. Something when working all day you can just wish for. So there are benefits.
I hear too from others that it must be so much more relaxing having the second compared to the first. Well no!!!!! I am so much more stressed.
Here are my worries:
• Before I did not know what to expect – now I know exactly what to expect.
• I wondered if I would be sleep deprived – now I know I will be sleep deprived
• I worry about leaving Kailey for 3 days while in the hospital – I have never left her over night. Thank God my Mom is coming to be with her while I am there, but I know I am going to worry like mad.
• I feel like I am being a traitor to Kailey, having to share my love and time
• We have such special mommy time now – How would I be able to give her that when the baby is born.
• And finally – DO I HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN????? Didn’t I just do this?????
Don’t get me wrong I am excited to complete my family with this special little man, but wow it certainly does not come without its own set of issues.
I then look at friends with more than one child and they are all fine, happy and would not change a thing… I guess in 2 months and 2 weeks I will be looking back on this blog and thinking how could I ever have felt this way.