Friday, June 6, 2008

Following the yellow brick road...

We are two weeks from moving out of NC. I never thought I would get to this point but I am quite ready to go. We have a house ready for us to move into when we get to Kansas. I think what makes me really happy about moving there is
a) Kailey will have a playroom and our house wont look like a mess all day long!
b) we are near a city and there is so much do!
c) I am looking forward to living in a snowy place! I am taking the option to change my mind on this one, once I fully understand what it entails, but for now it’s quite exciting.
I might also be excited about the snow since today in NC it 110 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees centigrade) just the thought of cool is so pleasant.

We are then looking forward to going to Miami for three weeks. Seeing Deric’s parents and Mickey B will be great. Can’t wait…….

Of course before all the fun begins … the movers have to come and that will be a four day process – packing, loading, cleaning etc… but we will suck it up and then start our next adventure.

Most of our friends we met here, have or are leaving NC too, so the feeling around is that this phase is over, new friends to be met! I only hate that in a year from now we are moving again…. Start the process all over again – from the top, with feeling! But I won’t think about that now.

Other than that I am feeling so much better, almost normal. I am not showing, I just look fat as though I have not recovered very well from my first pregnancy. All my pants are too tight around the waist and I had to go get some cool maternity pants today. I was not in maternity pants till way into my fourth month with Kailey, so I can’t imagine how massive I am going to get over the next six months.

Here is a picture of Deric teaching Kai about surfing....... here it starts.....

Friday, May 23, 2008

I'M BACK!!!!

I have been a bad blogger lately – and let me assure you it was not because I was having any fun. I have had a bad case of ‘morning sickness’ (which lasts all day) and without too much information, this has been my main focus for the past three weeks.

But life goes on and things have still been busy. Mom left (before my morning sickness set in) so we took her to Williamsburg. It was a great trip, there was so much to see, I wish we could have stayed longer.

Of course Granny spoiled Kailey…… lots of head bands which Kai had to wear all at once. And since Kai always helps around the house Granny also got her some of her own cleaning tools……..


Deric has been amazing – he is doing everything! I get motion sickness, so any movement just sent me over the edge, he has cooked, cleaned, taken Kai …….. just everything.
He is getting ready to start clearing Fort Bragg so this is now the down hill to our move. We are planning to take three weeks and go see Deric’s mom and dad in Miami before we follow that yellow brick road to Kansas. For those who don’t know we will be there for one year! Between you and me we are looking at going back to Germany after that …. But who knows what will eventually come through. (Holding thumbs/crossing fingers)

Kai is a dream, she is just my joy! Seeing her change is magic. Her imagination is coming into play now and she is starting to feed her babies (or as she says ‘bey bees’) she loves wrapping them up (thanks granny) and pushes them all day in her pram/stroller. She has even started waving and kissing us bye bye before taking her babies for a walk around the house. Then comes back and tells us all about her adventure.
I have really enjoyed no teeth coming in for the past four months. I hope the last four take their time, doing all 16 in 9 months was no joke, so we are just sitting back and enjoying a long deserved sense of peace.

Last weekend Mark and Trisha came to see us for the weekend. It was wonderful as normal, I really wish we had more time to see them. Kai loved Uncle Mark and Aunty Trisha. Deric and I were almost ignored most of the weekend! We had a BBQ/Braai, and sat at the fire pit all night. For those of you who were at our farewell party in Germany (you know who you are!!!!) We watched the video – yes people it’s out there!

Now we are enjoying a four day weekend and plan to go to the beach, see friends and just chill out together…..

Monday, April 28, 2008

'Normal' Update

As you have seen we are quite into our videos lately… we got a new program and Deric spends hours playing. So while I have a chance and Kai is asleep I thought I would do a ‘normal’ update.

Things here are good – my Mom came from SA to visit (mainly to see Kailey) for three weeks but has gone to Pennsylvania to judge a dog show – while she is there she is stalking the Amish (one of her life goals is to see the Amish). She will be back tomorrow. She will want to do lots of shopping since she came with two suitcases and filled one and a half with things for Kailey and Easter eggs for me (SA Easter eggs are to die for!!!!) So she has so much space to go home with.

Next week we are off to Williamsburg for a few days before coming home and then sending mom home a few days after that. I think the visit is going quicker for all of us than we thought it would.

I am fine, tired – really tired….. but still here. I cannot look at raw food lately and the thought of cooking just makes my stomach turn. I want loads of sour things and I consume so much club soda that I actually empty the shelves in the store every 2-3 days.
It’s funny to compare pregnancies, with Kai I ate so much more. I was constantly hungry and always wanting meats, chocolates, cookies. Now I want salad, vegetable soups, so, my beloved SA Easter eggs have to wait till I feel like sugar again!

We are getting ready to move now – our house rented in one day (phew) and the planning of our 30 days of displacement has been sorted and we are now just working on the last few things before we can totally relax.

Not much else to report – except that I am really really tired – but I think I said that already!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Take 2!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I know we are going a little nuts lately with video blogs but bear with us – it’s our new toy!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Last Weekend.......

We have had a busy week, with the car issues (someone backed into us)

and Kai’s face getting bashed up, as well as starting the process of getting the house ready for rent, so we are getting estimates on a whole lot of things!

I did not tell you about last weekend. I had an immigration appointment in Charlotte, and we thought we would go see two friends of ours from Germany (Mark and Trisha) in their beautiful new home!

We had such a great weekend with them, and Kai loved being there (she loved the Paris room! Those who know TW and MW will understand) and the dogs were great babysitters.

We played rummy in the evening – the fun of having guests with a baby means not much going out after 7pm. Anyway, I am sure they took my luck, cause ever since I was there I have not won or even come close to getting any respectable score (thanks guys!!!!!)

Mark reminded me of a funny situation which Rachel and Kelly were involved in ….. do you remember this picture of Kai eating Biltong? Rachel and Kelly were sure Kai was eating a turd!

Here is Marks version of the ‘turd eating’

and with compliments of Rachel and Kelly they sent a picture of their (American) version too!!!!!