Deric and Kai making pancakes
My sweet boy!!
So the past 6 weeks have been busy, hectic, fun and do –able! My mom got here before Thanksgiving and we got to have two weeks of fun, and sightseeing before Devin arrived. Then there was the whole ‘just had a baby thing’ which was fine, since I had Deric and Mom to help out…. And that was truly a great support!!!
Then Mom left and Deric and I got to do it solo, which was still fine and do-able!
Then Monday hit……… and I was alone for the first time with Kai, Devin and a house hold of chores and errands!
Now, it’s not that I think it’s impossible, I just don’t have any systems in place – and I need my systems! So I have been trying to set up some sort of plan.
Monday went well – we went to Target and even had some fun, the system was set. All in all it was a good day.
Tuesday morning was not as good, and was mainly because of a very bad night with Devin. Kailey started to crave the attention she had when Daddy and Ninny was here. I was just not filling her attention need. When I feed Devin she starts acting up trying to get me to react to her. Something I did not see coming. She cried most of the day and so did Devin. When Deric got home from school that night at 9pm, I was DONE! I could not hear a cry for one more second.
But Devin surprised me that night and gave me 2 sets of 3 hour blocks of sleep…… AAAHHHHHHhhhhhh. Then my friend came over with her baby, and we both got to yap, complain, vent and just breathe!!!!!
Our little man had his one month check up this week and is now an astounding 13 pounds. Please remember he is five and a half weeks! This puts him at the 97 percentile of babies his age. The doctor says I make cream not milk! So he is doing well and healthy.
Kai is DEVINE, DEVINE, DEVINE……… she has me laughing all day long at her funny ways and passion for life. She is a social butterfly who just loves an outing. It does not matter where to, just as long as she is in the car and looking for things on the road (trucks, busses, cars, geese, birds, cow, horses) anything!
She likes to decide what everyone wears in the morning, Devin always must wear ‘puppies’ I have to wear anything colorful, and she just wants to wear trucks or ballerinas! She is very good at packing the car too, she lists all we need – ‘shoooos, (shoes) saks (socks) hati (hat) and the list goes on.
Her words are flowing lately, and if you ask her about any amount of anything it’s always two! If you ask her what she wants to do next the answer is always ‘cookies’, she wants to make cookies. She is a little book worm, she reads all day long and then shows you the new things she has found in the books. She has also taken to ‘reading’ to Devin. Very cute and I will post a video of that on the blog soon.
Her number one thing to do at the moment is to help with Devin’s bath. She even goes and fetches the bath, the soap and the cotton. She stands on a chair and pours water over Devin’s body, her big job is to wash his belly button! She takes this very seriously.
So as you see we are all adjusting to being a family of four.
I am grateful everyday for my kids and husband…. I am very lucky!
Here is some pic's we forgot about - Devins Christening......
This is Deric teaching Kai how to behave appropriately in a church
1 comment:
Carry on with those stories and photos and I will be right back.
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