Well the crazy time of the year is over…. From thanksgiving to Kailey’s birthday it's been nonstop.
My birthday was very nice, Deric gave me cooking lessons at a culinary school in Kansas City.
I have one lesson a month till we leave. There are so many classes I might have to squeeze in 2 a month!!!
I went to my first class on Thursday – Crockpot class. My sister-in-law Dawnele bought me a Crockpot years ago and I just made stews in it. I had no idea how to use it. Well now I do and I am making Crockpot meals every night. They even taught us how to make cheese cake and bread in it….. Awesome – Thanks Dawnele! (and Deric)
Kai’s birthday was sweet – we opened presents in the morning then Deric made pink pancakes, eggs and sausage (Kaileys favorite) We then went to a Kids museum (which was closed) so we landed up at a shopping mall that has a theme of trains…. She had a blast, even got lunch served to her on a train! And of course she had happy birthday sung to her all day long.
I signed up at a gym today – it feels like a big step, I did not work out during my pregnancy so I am so out of shape. I will start tomorrow, SLOWLY!
Devin is doing well – he is just a sweetie pie!
Not much else going on – we will find out in February where we are moving in June. We are hoping for Washington State, but we will be 100% sure soon. We will keep you updated!
Some pic's for you....
Kai's 'best friend' Ela on a playdate
The kitchen Aunty Dawnele got for Kai for Christmas
Kai's birthday present
Here is a good picture to see how long Devin is compared to Kailey
Oh and here is what Devin has to put up with for most of the day
Sigh... Oh to be a fly on the wall. Too cute.
Deric, you're brilliant. Simply brilliant. I'm going to cheat and tell JD about it for my birthday.
I can't believe how long Devin is!! Holy cow!
I miss you guys!
Can't wait to hear where you'll be going!
Cant stop looking at these pictures
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