Saturday, May 5, 2007

Two Posts at the Same Time!!

Hello again from the Stan! Here is a picture of me and my new friend. Below the photo is a blog Joanne asked be to post. I also threw in a picture of Kai and Jo (They are much better to look at than me!! Enjoy.


Hello Everyone,

Good to be back! Good old blogging – its addictive you know.

Anyway – things here have been fine, I am getting use to the differences here. I always seem to be getting use to the differences in some or other country. I have made a full circle in 6 years, and my adventure continues.

You forget so much when you leave a place.
• I forgot how long lunches here are… I love that.
• You are always invited to friend’s houses for tea and cake…I love that.
• Having your hair done is fantastic, it cost half the price and you get double the treatments…. I love that.
• Going to a day spa in the country with your friends is a relatively normal thing to do and it costs so little… I love that.
So as you can see, I am figuring out all these fun things.

On the down side – I miss my husband and my home so very much………… I hate that. I am however grateful to be in a loving environment and also for having such a wonderful daughter.

School is fine – I go in at the moment for 2 classes a week – on a Monday and Tuesday. So I am not away from Kailey too long. I do my assignments and study at night when she is asleep.

As for Kailey.. She has 2 teeth now, weighs in at 14lbs. Not a small girl! But so happy! She greets me every morning with a smile when I go to her crib, and she laughs all day long. (Well till her dinner that is, then she screams, which she thinks is her God given right!) She loves going out, but keeps to her schedule no matter where we are. This makes going out so easy. There is another great thing that makes going out easy too….. Nursing rooms for moms. This expands my world!!!! I can go out with ease! They also have family rooms where Dads can change babies, and potty training rooms, where there are tiny loo’s! Genius I tell you Genius!!!

Deric and I celebrated our two-year marriage anniversary this past weekend… how much can happen in two years is amazing. Our wedding anniversary is in December. We figured with two anniversaries Deric is bound to be around for at least one a year!

Keep in Touch - Love to you all


Friday, April 27, 2007

South Africian Internet?!?!?!

Deric here (in Afghanistan) writing this blog update for Joanne and Kailey (in South Africa). Crazy....

Anyway... the deal is South African Internet is not the same as American Internet and it shuts down all the time. Thus, not allowing Jo to update this blog as often as she'd like. So, because I'm such a GREAT husband..... I told here I'd update it for her!!

However.... I'm in a dust filled room in Afghanistan using internet that is probably only a little better than Jo's down South. So I am going to keep this short.

Joanne and Kai are doing very well. They are both adjusted now and on a good schedule (feeding, sleeping, playing, sleeping, feeding.....). And guess what... Kai got her first tooth!! How cool is that! Jo says it is causing more slobber on her than pain for Kailey. There has not been any crying or fussing from Kai about her teething! Joanne is very thankful....

I am also fine. Working hard and trying to do my best over here.

With all that, here is the most important part of the blog.... Pictures.


Hope you enjoyed the photos. I'll try and keep them coming as Jo sends them to me.

Take care


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We are finally getting more settled lately. I started school this week and to my surprise I only go in Mondays and Tuesdays, but for the next two weeks I don’t go in on Mondays at all. I do have a lot of homework to do … and Kailey is not having any of it! It was so strange to go in this week, nothing has changed – everything is exactly where I left it. The lectures are all the same and were so welcoming. To make me feel extra old, some of the 3rd years were my Grade 8 students when I taught at Pro-Arte. I think I will be happy there – as long as I get all my assignments done!

The good news for me… Kailey is getting to bed by 7:30, getting up at 3am to feed and then wakes again at 8. This is heaven. So much so that tomorrow night after putting her down I give the monitor to my Mom and I am going to have dinner with Claudia and Olga.

Here is a picture of Gladis and Kailey – this is how Gladis walks around the house with her…. See now my child is officially an African American…..
I am trying to learn how to do this but you can’t believe how hard it is to get the kid on your back to begin with!
Gotta Love It!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

All in a days work

All in a days work" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bl&il=1&channel=360287970196003286&" style="width:400px;height:400px" name="flashticker" align="middle">

Monday, April 9, 2007

100 Years Apart

I'm back!

I took Kailey to see my gran the other day. She was born in 1906 and Kailey in 2007. It was so special to see her reaction even though she is slowing down so much. She grabbed Kailey and gave her a kiss, I then put her in her arms and they both just lay there. She kept saying how beautiful she was. It was a very spacial moment. I'm just glad Kailey could get to meet this phenomenal woman.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

We are experiencing technical issues... please stay tuned!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Deric left almost 2 weeks ago! He is doing fine, already working very hard and will be for the next 8 months. If he has time he will be using this blog and let you all know how he is doing.

Usually whenever Deric goes away we have a strange phenomenon....... bugs, spiders and now wasps get in the house - and I have to be brave and deal with them. When he is here ... nothing not even an ant steps foot in our house! Go figure!

Kailey and I are doing fine, very busy getting ready to go to SA. We leave next Sunday and arrive in Joburg on Monday. Not sure how I feel about it yet - as the past few weeks has felt like a tornado has just passed through.

Kailey has colic... we went to the doctor on Friday who confirmed it. I guess no one will be inviting us over between 7pm and 9pm for a while. She screams inconsolably and then falls asleep with exhaustion. Hopefully it does not happen on the flight to SA, I will be thrown off mid flight, guaranteed!

Other than missing Deric, we are well and already starting to plan our 30 day holiday with Deric in SA over December.

I will be blogging in SA, and posting photos as I get them.

Here is a little note to Deric from Kailey....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our family portraits

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Kaileys Christening and other stuff...

On the 18th February, we had Kailey's christening at a church near us. It was a lovely ceremony. Our friends joined us and besides for the special occasion, it was a wonderful excuse to hang out with everyone on a Sunday afternoon. After the church service everyone came back to our house and we got to celebrate with champagne (cider for me) and other nibbles.
Things have been going well, I still cannot believe where the days go. There is so much to do with Deric leaving in a few weeks and us leaving soon after that. We are now working on Kailey's visa to be in South Africa! Why she needs one I have no idea, its not like she is going to work there.
This next weekend we go visit Deric's sister and niece in Virginia - Kailey's first time out of North Carolina. We are going to show Mom Washington DC, and show our baby off to Dawn and Lexy.
Kailey is now 4 weeks old, has gained 2 pounds and weighs in at 10 pounds now. She is at 3 hours between meals and we are pushing 4 hours at night (I never thought I would be so grateful for 4 hours sleep before. Imagine having 8.... ohhh the thought is just too exciting to even entertain)
She is so much more alert, and is looking at everything. She is such a calm baby, only cry's when there is something to cry about. We are blessed!
Last night we had such a great evening - we had our neighbour's Stephanie and her 3 kids over as well as Oriana and her son for dinner. We made a fire pit, sent the kids out in the forest (our back yard) to get fire wood. After dinner toasted marshmallows and hung out in the cold, all wrapped up around the fire. It was just what we all needed and such fun.
As for this next week ahead, I have a long to do list and have given in to the fact that if I get a 3rd of it done it will be a good week. How life has slowed down! I realized I moved to London 5 years ago today!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007

Finally I write!

Well, we have survived the first 2 weeks of being parents! It does take a while to get use to this new little person who sweeps her way into your lives... but we are on track. Besides for a few sleepless nights we are coping very well.
Deric was home for the past 2 weeks and went back to work today. I cant begin to tell you how quickly the days go by. Since I feed her every 2 hours, as soon as I am done, nappy changed, and calmed her down.... its time to start again.
But once again I have to say she is amazing and we all cant stop staring in amazement at her.

My Mom arrived last Saturday (just another person for Kailey to wrap around her finger) she is helping a lot and giving me a few extra hours a day sleep.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Week 2 with Kailey

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kaileys First Week

Strange to think this time last week I was in the hospital waiting for Kailey to arrive. Now a week later I am addicted to her in every way.

Everything is going well - we have had our doctors appointments, which all turned out well. She has had her fist play date with Lorelia, Rachel's daughter who was born just 3 weeks before Kailey.

I am so grateful to have friends like I do here! Oriana, Rose, Jenn, Dani, Brooke all helping out with meals (something I have just not thought about) You have no idea how your brain becomes mush when you are so focused on this little miracle. Thank you guys so much for all your help so far..... I am so lucky to have you all.

My mom gets in on Saturday. I have not seen her in over a year, so its going to be great. The timing of this whole experience could not be better than it has turned out.

Deric is very into been a Dad, Kailey has him completely wrapped already (as she she should) and it is so wonderful to watch him with her. I cant believe he has not had experience with babies before, he is a natural.

Thank you to everyone who has sent best wishes, parcels, cards, gifts, flowers ......... We appreciate it all so much.